Oral and Poster

Oral presentation

Each paper is allocated a 20 minute presentation slot. Please limit your presentations to 15 minutes to allow sufficient time for Q&A; and laptop turnover.


Room is equipped with an LCD projector. manbetx万博(中国)官方网站It is expected that presenters will bring their own laptop computers.


If you plan to bring only a USB memory stick, it is your responsibility to find a compatible computer for presentation. Conference prepares a number of laptop computers available at the conference site.


Poster presentation

Poster size: A1 (594mm x 841mm / 23.4 inch x 33.1 inch)
Orientation: portrait


Approximately 15 posters will be presented during one session. A session is 40 minutes long.


Prepare and bring posters to Conference, mark your paper session on, hand them at check in desk one hour before the session starts. Conference will take care of placement.