Service science, service operations, logistics, and informatics are becoming ever more complex and interdependent. They are playing an increasingly important role in today’s world economy. Information and communications technology provides cyber-infrastructure and platforms to achieve more efficient and productive services operations. New types of service offerings are also emerging to meet the needs of customers and consumers.manbetx万博(中国)官方网站,The IEEE Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI) conference series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss issues, challenges and future directions, share their R&D findings and experiences in relative areas.
Program at a glance:
Oct. 7 14:00pm ~ 17:30pm Registration & help desk
Oct. 8 9:00am ~ 12:00am Opening ceremony and Keynote speech;
Oct. 8 14:00pm ~ 18:00pm Oral sessions;
Oct. 8 18:00pm ~ 20:00pm Welcome Reception
Oct. 9 10:30am ~ 17:00pm Oral and poster sessions;
Oct. 9 18:00pm ~ 20:00pm Conference Banquet and Awards ceremony
Program Topics
On-demand delivery;Logistics planning;Freight forwarding and customs clearance;Venue logistics management;Warehouse and distribution;Transportation management systems;Reverse logistics;Logistics visibility and control;Procurement;supply chain collaboration;supply chain process;logistic network
- Material Flow (MF) Science and Technology
MF fundamental sciences (MF mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.);Comprehensive MF theory;MF in the natural world;Material flow in the social world;Material flow in the economic world;MF element theory;MF nature;MF engineering;MF Industry-MF Technological economics;Cycle MF System;X party material flow (XPMF);The MF complexity and emergence;The MF information and simulation technology;MF systems and networks;Financial Measures of MF
- Service/Event Management & Manufacturing
Demand forecasting;Customer relationship management;Event communication and alerting;Services training;Services sustaining;Services quality;Services bundling;E-market for services;Event management system;Event sponsorship;Event-based production and supply chain;Event-based products and manufacturing;Intelligent manufacturing;Customization
- Information & Communications Technology and Systems (ICTS)
ICTS services design and management;ICTS services standards, locating, composition, and bundling;Process modeling, augmentation, and automation;Real time identification & tracking;Pervasive and ubiquitous computing in logistics;Decision support systems;Software agent based systems;RFID;data warehousing and data/Web mining;Business intelligence;Systems interoperability and integration;Information security;IT Project Management;Information Management in construction project
- Electronic Commerce & Knowledge Management
Wireless Communication and mobile commerce;Mobile services;Electronic government;Information resource management;IT and enterprise innovation management;IT and strategy for the sustainable development of enterprises;Semiotics;Business performance management;Customer relationship management;Information economics;Network culture and harmonious society;Distributed computing;Sensor networks
- Parallel Systems: Methods and Applications
Paper Submission Requirements
Manuscripts must be electronically submitted through the conference website Submitted manuscripts should be at most six (6) pages in IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables, and references. Please use the templates at Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings available from the conference website to prepare your manuscript. All submissions MUST be in PDF format.