manbetx万博(中国)官方网站,     学术活动







名称 时间
决策树,基尼指数及非平衡分类 2017-08-28
Broad Learning System:an Effective and Efficient Incremental Learning System without the Need for Deep Architecture 2017-06-29
Mobile and 5G Research 2017-06-19
Computational Conformal Geometry,Theories,Algorithms and Applications 2017-06-19
Rfid/Sensor Systems for Passive Biological Applications 2017-05-31
Dynamic Network Analysis: Technologies and Applications 2017-05-25
Identifying Malicious Actors in Online Platforms 2017-05-23
Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Evolutionary Algorithms 2013-10-29
The Socialization of Computing 2013-10-15
Smart Buildings and Smart Grids: Today’s Applications and Tomorrow’s Prospects 2013-08-19
Biometric technologies and applications for smart cities and an intelligent planet 2013-07-22
Optimal Design for Cooperative Control Synchronization and Games on Communication Graphs 2013-05-23
Control Designs that Enhance Perception by Climbing Information Gradients 2013-04-11
Distributed Randomized Algorithms for the PageRank Computation in Complex Networks 2013-02-04
动态不确定因果图理论及其在核电站等大型复杂系统中的应用 2012-11-28
Towards Swarms of Self-Driving Automobiles 2012-10-25
不确定性认知理论与模型 2012-08-13
Understanding Climate Change:Opportunities and Challenges for Data Driven Research 2012-07-23
Grinding Mill Modeling and Control 2012-07-23