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中国控制会议是由中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会发起的系列学术会议,现已发展成为控制理论与技术领域的国际性学术年会。会议以中文和英文为工作语言,采用大会报告、专题研讨会、会前专题讲座、manbetx万博(中国)官方网站,分组报告与张贴论文等形式进行学术交流。自2005年起会议论文集由ISTP收录,自2006年起会议论文集进入IEEE CPP,并由EI收录。

S01 变结构控制
S22 数据驱动建模与控制
S02 车辆系统控制
S23 随机系统
S03 传感器网络
S24 通讯网络系统
S04 大数据分析与压缩采样
S25 新万博全称,
S05 导航与制导
S26 微纳与量子系统
S06 多智能体系统与分布式控制
S27 稳定性与镇定
S07 非线性系统控制
S28 系统仿真、综合与评价
S08 非线性系统理论
S29 系统工程理论与方法
S09 分布参数系统
S30 系统建模与辨识
S10 复杂性与复杂系统理论
S31 系统生物学
S11 工业系统与制造
S32 新能源与节能环保中的控制技术
S12 故障诊断与可靠控制
S33 信号处理与信息融合
S13 计算机控制与物理信息融合系统
S34 优化与调度
S14 交通系统
S35 预测控制
S15 经济、金融、人口与军事系统
S36 运动控制
S16 控制设计方法
S37 智能电网中的控制问题
S17 混杂系统与离散事件动态系统
S38 智能机器人
S18 鲁棒控制
S39 自然启发(遗传等)的算法
S19 模糊系统与模糊控制
S40 自适应控制与学习控制
S20 模式识别
S41 最优控制
S21 神经网络

1.     论文采用网上投稿,请登陆了解具体事宜并投稿。
2.     大会设立关肇直优秀论文奖及张贴论文奖,申请办法和条例请查看控制理论专业委员会网页
3.     拟组织邀请组的组织者,请提供1000字的组织建议书及该组全部拟邀请论文的全文。同一邀请组的论文的主题应鲜明、集中,邀请组一般有6篇论文。
武宁哲  北京市中关村东路55  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院  邮编:100190
电话:+86-10-62551965,传真:+86-10-62587343E-mail[email protected]
电话:+86-25-84303577,传真:+86-25-84303577E-mail[email protected]
The 33rd Chinese Control Conference
Call for papers
The Chinese Control Conference (CCC) is an annual international conference initiated by the Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). It provides a forum for scientists and engineers over the world to present their new theoretical results and techniques in the field of systems and control. The conference consists of plenary talks, panel discussions, invited sessions, pre-conference workshops, oral sessions and poster sessions etc. for academic exchanges. The conference proceedings have been selected for coverage in ISTP (Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings) since 2005, included in the IEEE CPP (Conference Publications Program) since 2006, and cited by EI since 2006.
The 33rd CCC is organized by TCCT of CAA and the Systems Engineering Society of China, locally organized by the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and will be held in Nanjing, a world-famous and ancient capital city of China, on July 28-30, 2014. Taking this opportunity, we sincerely welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for this conference.
Topics of interests are in the broad areas of systems and control, including but not limited to:
S01 Variable Structure Control
S22 Data Driven Modeling and Control
S02 Vehicle Systems Control
S23 Stochastic Systems
S03 Sensor Networks
S24 Communication Network Systems
S04 Big Data Analysis and Compressed Sampling
S25 Networked Control Systems
S05 Navigation and Guidance
S26 Micro-nano and Quantum Systems
S06 Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Control
S27 Stability and Stabilization
S07 Nonlinear Systems Control
S28 System Simulation, Integration and Evaluation
S08 Nonlinear Systems Theory
S29 Systems Engineering Theory and Method
S09 Distributed Parameter Systems
S30 System Modeling and Identification
S10 Complexity and Complex System Theory
S31 Systems Biology
S11 Industrial Systems and Manufacturing
S32 New Energy Technology and Control in Energy and Environment
S12 Fault Diagnosis and Reliable Control
S33 Signal Processing and Information Fusion
S13 Computer Control and Cyber-Physical Systems
S34 Optimization and Scheduling
S14 Transportation Systems
S35 Predictive Control
S15 Economy, Finance, Population and Military Systems
S36 Motion Control
S16 Control Design
S37 Control in Intelligent Power Network
S17 Hybrid Systems and DEDS
S38 Intelligent Robots
S18 Robust Control
S39 Nature-inspired (GA, etc.) Computing
S19 Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Control
S40 Adaptive Control and Learning Control
S20 Pattern Recognition
S41 Optimal Control
S21 Neural Networks
1.         All submissions (including papers, proposals of invited sessions) should be completed via the website
2.         The CCC presents the Guan Zhao-Zhi Best Paper Prize and the Poster Paper Award annually. Papers submitted to CCC could be eligible to apply for the Awards. Detailed information and rules of the awards can be found at the website
3.         The organizers of invited sessions are requested to submit a 1000 word proposal of the invited session together with the invited papers in the proposed session. Papers in an invited session should present a cohesive and focus on a relevant topic. Usually, an invited session consists of 6 papers.
Conference Language: Chinese/English
Important dates:
Dates for submission: October 20, 2013 to December 15, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2014
Submission of camera-ready copy: April 5, 2014 to April 30, 2014
Secretariat of the Program Committee:
Ms. Ningzhe WU, Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, CAS, No. 55 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing 100190, P. R. China
Tel: +86-10-62551965   Fax: +86-10-62587343   E-mail: [email protected]
Secretariat of the Organizing Committee:
Mr. Yi QU, School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 200 Xiao Lin Wei, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China
Tel: +86-25-84303577   Fax: +86-25-84303577   E-mail: [email protected]